Wednesday, August 29, 2007


August 29th, 2007 3:22 am

I have been racking my brain on how to start this little project...therefore, I've done nothing.Now, I'm just hopping in and DOING IT!!
The whole point is to start answering the questions in the book "TO OUR CHILDREN'S CHILDREN" so that my ancestors, namely children and grandchildren, will acquire an understanding of how life was "back in the day". I figured the best way is to list the questions as they are in the book, at least the ones that pertain to me, and then simply answer. I know that doesn't sound too difficult to most people but......the first thing everyone will learn about me is I procrastinate.
The other dilema is..... How honest do I "really" want to be? I mean, come on, no one gets thru 49 years of life without skeletons and some of us have alot MORE skeletons than others. I guess I'll just wait to see how I feel at the time. At any rate, I have at least started and feel very happy about that.

1 comment:

Corie said...

Yes, you have started and that is what is important. Again, your grandkids are going to cherish this one day... I know it.

As far as how you want to be... that is for you to decide. I would only say to disclose what you want and are comfortable with. Everyone will go through trials and mistakes in life, but I believe the important thing is how you walk through such situations. I guess it may depend on when you give the book to the kids too....

Don't procrastinate too much!!! :)